World Finiest Spring Water assessment at Saioko, Nakorotubu, Ra.


A team was assigned to conduct water quality sampling at the spring source at Saiko Village, Nakorotubu, Ra.

The aim of the assessments was to provide assistance to the landowners owning unit of Saioko village in Ra to verify the potential of current spring water source and its quality for possible commercial venture.

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A request was received by the Mineral Resources Department from the landowning unit of Saioko village, Nakorotubu, Ra to carry out the assessment at the spring source in view that can be possible turned into commercial venture. A team was assigned to conduct water quality sampling at the spring source at Saioko Village, Nakorotobu, Ra.

The result of this brief assessment is entailed on this report. Additionally, meeting had to convene amongst the landowners to advise them on the possible way forward as commercial bottling will involve certain approvals from various government agencies. Landowners had also been advice to be vigilant on many foreign investors who had visited the spring source and have shown interest.

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The topographical feature around the area is characterized by high hills (1.5 kilometres) with the lower basin towards the coastal plains with residential properties. A walk over survey from Namara Road encountering several observations made during the investigation. It is confirmed that the current source is a sole water supply to them and neighbouring schools and villagers.

The Saioko spring is far away without any form of contamination that may induce into the water source by the village. Nakorotubu comprises of seven sub districts.

The geomorphological of the area comprises of huge rugged mountainous terrain. The derivation of this location is thought to be of volcanic in nature explicitly the Korolevu Volcano. The village is located on the eastern coast of Nakorotubu with the geology of this area is classified as basaltic, conglomerate lave and tuff moreover local to high productive spring and experiences moderate rainfall throughout the year.


Observation of the surroundings and the current water source spring Had informal interviews with their respective committee members

Sampling procedures:

Personal protective equipment such as hand gloves to avoid contamination at anytime.
Methylated spirit was used to sterilize hands before sampling was done.
Sterilize microbiological bottles were used to collect samples stopper and cap were removed as a unit, so that the inner surface of the stopper and neck of the bottle are not contaminated. Sample field to have the bottle to ensure enough space (at least 2.5 cm) for mixing before analysis.
Immediately replace the stopper to secure an avoid contamination.
Chemical bottles were rinsed first with the sample in contains three times before collection. while rinsing caution was taken that the rinsed water is discarded away from the source.
Samples accompanied by complete and accurate identification and descriptive information (e.g. location, collection time, date and weather and any other information suitable) an submitted to the laboratory for analysis.


In view of the results and information gathered from the field and through desktop studies there are few areas that are of concern and stated below:

Total coliforms are grow in or on a medium containing lactose, at a temperature of 35.4 C and faecal call a farm at temperature of 44.5 C.

No faecal coliform is present however total coliform is present in the spring source. the results do not comply with the Fiji national drinking water quality standards  for drinking purpose unless is treated to eradicate the present of total coliform.

The presence of these total coliform is mainly due to admittance of soil or organic matter into the water or creating a condition that is suitable for growth of certain organisms or coliform.



The area is roofed with thick dense vegetation have shown optimistic signs of water catchment. subsequently spring source for Saioko has been explored as one of the reliable and portable source which is the current water source for Saioko village and nearby settlements including one primary school.


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